Be Prepared for Large-Scale Civil Unrest: Why Elites Are Turning Into Preppers by Purchasing Survival Retreats



There is an interesting paradox out there at this moment. Some individuals are pleased with the new leadership in the USA, satisfied that the old “do nothing” and “let’s protest/riot without consequences” regime is now over. Then there are those who feel the “Let there be no walls” contingent have it right and their voices

Then there are those who feel the “Let there be no walls” contingent have it right and their voices ring out loud and convincing on Facebook and other social media.

Wherever you stand, know there is an interesting event – rather secretive – that is happening with the more select liberal preppers. Suddenly “survival retreats” are popping up for these people at an interesting rate. It is almost as if some are finally aware or fear that something can and will happen at any moment!

Suddenly “survival retreats” are popping up for these people at an interesting rate. It is almost as if some are finally aware or fear that something can and will happen at any moment!

After the break, go over to the next page and read some interesting material about large-scale unrest and why the elites, many who are telling one and all that instead of  “building walls,” they should check out their own private survival retreats!

Next Page »


  1. Kerry Eaton said:

    They are and will be the targets wshtf…so each will employ a small army witch will flee…cant spend money when money has no silly elites are as good as dead.

  2. Kerry Eaton said:

    Are definitely targets. .their small army they will employ will flea as soon as they figure money has 0 value..elites are as good as dead.

  3. Madder Kayne said:

    I’m sure this would be an interesting article had it been properly edited. It’s nearly impossible to read.

  4. Jim Yarbrough said:

    Na…they might turn out as ” want to be’s” ….but the will NEVER be courtry boys!

  5. Mark Uplinger said:

    Take over their little villas and enslave them. SHTF is a hard scrabble life. It ain’t fair by a damn sight.

  6. FrMark InaFiat said:

    Bus the rioters to Hollywood and the gated communities of Rosie / Leonardo / and the other idiots out there – they can even stay in their homes – Clooney is in Italy let them live in his little home

  7. Frederick Goetz said:

    They’re all looking for a rock to hide under for when the people catch on to their greedy games. Seems as if this is the push to get the masses stirred up against each other is all about. A civil war would distract attention away from those that have fleeced the system and extracted all the wealth and horded it.

  8. Patrick Rice said:

    What is frightening is this is true. They will be setting up on offshore islands.

  9. David Crombie said:

    Yeah, A few problems about moving to New Zealand. The biggest is that the radiation flowing from Fukashima ‘will and probably is’ going to encompass NZ.

  10. Tom Anderson said:

    Europe has the same problem as the U.S. has. Lying liberal media and politicians. George Soros and rigged elections

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