Be Prepared for Large-Scale Civil Unrest: Why Elites Are Turning Into Preppers by Purchasing Survival Retreats


Preppers have been facing the possibility of a SHTF scenario for years. And, let’s face it, we have also been laughed at by some of our more privileged liberal counterparts, although they are supposed to be more open-minded. Oddly, in recent years although many will not admit it, there has been a change of heart. Many elites of the world are prepping for trouble and have invested in “apocalypse insurance.”

… For these elite millionaires and billionaires, Apocalypse Insurance often means a luxury bunker somewhere overseas — primarily in places like New Zealand . Hoffman dishes up the inside scope on New Zealand in the article:
“Saying you’re ‘buying a house in New Zealand’ is kind of a wink, wink, say no more. Once you’ve done the Masonic handshake, they’ll be, like, ‘Oh, you know, I have a broker who sells old ICBM silos, and they’re nuclear-hardened, and they kind of look like they would be interesting to live in.’ ”
Ironically, many of these diehard liberal, anti-gun elitists — many of whom have made fun of preppers for the last decade — are now not only prepping, but they are stocking up on the guns they wanted to take away from the general public.
According to former Facebook product manager Antonio García Martínez, who was interviewed for the article, Silicon Valley titans are stocking up on guns and ammo. He told Osnos that he “bought five wooded acres on an island in the Pacific Northwest and brought in generators, solar panels, and thousands of rounds of ammunition.”
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who keeps lecturing us on tolerance and how building walls is apparently racist, bought a 700-acre estate on the island of Kauai where he immediately built a wall to block locals from accessing their own public lands.
So why are these billionaires buying survival retreats? Do they know something the rest of us don’t know, or do they realize they have opened up a hornet’s nest with their support of radical hate groups like Black Lives Matters and CAIR?

To learn more go to Offgrid Survival. For the moderates on the world, this may be an eye-opening experience you do not want to avoid!

By no means do any of us want to see a worldwide apocalypse hit. Most of us have families and friends that will be affected and possibly doomed. However, being ready for it to happen is the first step in protecting you and the ones you love.

The elite know this as well as ourselves. This is why some are taking protective measures – although we doubt seriously they would ever admit it aloud. Just keep up the prepping and survival training. Perhaps one day in the future you and Mike Zuckerberg will be waving “hello” in the streets.


  1. Kerry Eaton said:

    They are and will be the targets wshtf…so each will employ a small army witch will flee…cant spend money when money has no silly elites are as good as dead.

  2. Kerry Eaton said:

    Are definitely targets. .their small army they will employ will flea as soon as they figure money has 0 value..elites are as good as dead.

  3. Madder Kayne said:

    I’m sure this would be an interesting article had it been properly edited. It’s nearly impossible to read.

  4. Jim Yarbrough said:

    Na…they might turn out as ” want to be’s” ….but the will NEVER be courtry boys!

  5. Mark Uplinger said:

    Take over their little villas and enslave them. SHTF is a hard scrabble life. It ain’t fair by a damn sight.

  6. FrMark InaFiat said:

    Bus the rioters to Hollywood and the gated communities of Rosie / Leonardo / and the other idiots out there – they can even stay in their homes – Clooney is in Italy let them live in his little home

  7. Frederick Goetz said:

    They’re all looking for a rock to hide under for when the people catch on to their greedy games. Seems as if this is the push to get the masses stirred up against each other is all about. A civil war would distract attention away from those that have fleeced the system and extracted all the wealth and horded it.

  8. Patrick Rice said:

    What is frightening is this is true. They will be setting up on offshore islands.

  9. David Crombie said:

    Yeah, A few problems about moving to New Zealand. The biggest is that the radiation flowing from Fukashima ‘will and probably is’ going to encompass NZ.

  10. Tom Anderson said:

    Europe has the same problem as the U.S. has. Lying liberal media and politicians. George Soros and rigged elections


