Basic Ways to Keep a Vehicle (and a Survivalist!) Secure During Civil Unrest


We may never understand why men and women change during stress situations. Initially, most are helpful, wanting to do all they can if they see an unsafe situation of another person in distress. But later, a mob mentality starts; an “us against them” attitude that, for one reason or another, can turn underhanded and violent.

It doesn’t take the grid going down to make something like this happen, but we suspect it will not help. As survivalists, we understand we need to protect ourselves and what we own. We know to keep our treasures close to our bug-out camp or home.

However, there are some things – our vehicles for example – that need to be taken out and about on the busy and dangerous streets. Errands must be run, and people must be transported.

How can we protect our car and ourselves from people who clearly mean to do us damage?

After the break go to the next page and take in some tips and ideas that might prevent you and your car from harm!

Next Page »


  1. Daniel Frysinger said:

    You want the truth, you can’t. Groups of 10+ will have you outgunned and take your stuff.
    So be a valuable person. Be irreplaceable. That is your only real hope of survival.

  2. Ed Hughes said:

    I only use a manual transmission. Very few people can even operate a vehicle with a “stick shift” these days. If they try to force their way in… double tap.


