Awesome Fire Starting Techniques You Need To Know

Being able to start a fire from raw materials is the coolest outdoor skill a person can acquire! It could also be the most handy.

Anyone can throw a few boughs together for a lean-to or dig out a snow shelter, but being able to start a fire from scratch puts a survivalist in a lofty elite.

More importantly, while being able to start a fire from scratch will impress, well, just about everyone, it also could save your life in a survival situation.

Fire gives warmth, light, protection, the ability to cook food and sterilize water and no small degree of comfort, which bolsters your morale no matter what the circumstances.

Being able to start a fire in any situation with the raw materials at hand increases your chances of survival dramatically.

To learn tips on creating fire, even in the most dire of circumstances, continue reading on the next page!


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  1. Karl Becker said:

    As always, wonderful advice I would never had thought of. Use firesteel? Amazing. What will they come up with next?
    -How to start a fire using a lighter and kindling

  2. Ray Watkins said:

    @[100000124222667:2048:Charles Neil Prestwood] @[1823320764:2048:Jace Hargrove] @[184104330:2048:Stephanie Holmes Watkins]


