Authorities Destroy Tiny Homes Built for the Homeless Because They Feel They ‘Create a Sense of Terror’


Homelessness is a real problem for people and society. Although the problem affects cities and towns throughout the entire nation, it has a greater impact on major cities. The greater Los Angeles area is among those cities.

Although the problem seems too extensive to fix, there are some folks that are taking the initiative to provide temporary solutions. One man named Elvis Summers collected money through crowdfunding to build

One man named Elvis Summers collected money through crowdfunding to build tiny homes for homeless individuals in the Los Angeles area.

His efforts proved to be a winning idea until the unthinkable happened. Check out the next page to find out.

Check out the next page to find out.

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  1. Lyle Crandall said:

    And then they complain when they have to live on the streets leave the tiny houses alone

  2. Barbara Willis said:

    If they were for your F’n refugees you’d leave them alone!!! Wait, what am I thinking!!! They wouldn’t be good enough for Odumbas refugees!!!

  3. Marc Black said:

    I’m with Thomas on this one, why post$#%&!@*if it takes a hundred clicks to find out the truth in the end is nothing.. I tried sticking around because of the “GOOD INFO”, but you guy’s are just an other Bs site.. TIME TO SAY GOODBYE and find a better more honest page…

  4. Doug Las said:

    Too much damn clickbait so I’m clueless as to why they were destroyed. Were they build out of code without the necessary permits? If that’s the case, they would make you demo a mansion. There are laws EVERYONE (except for our politicians and rich people) must follow. I’ve seen them jackhammer newly poured concrete drive portions because the builder failed to get permits to join them into the street pavement. Rules are rules. Don’t bi*ch and moan when they aren’t followed and you get called out over it.

  5. Cheryl Sims said:

    Lady, what an evil little soul you have ! When I pray for God to protect us from Satan and his minions….you would be the perfect example of one of those minions. I looked at your page briefly, couldn’t stand it for long. The devil just loves people like you. Hateful, narrow minded, bigoted. Ugh. I feel like I need a bath now. How gross!

  6. Denise O'Toole said:

    In LA? Self proclaimed sanctuary city, welcomer of islamic refugees, and home of the hollywood far left liberals? You have got to be kidding me.

  7. Shannon Poole said:

    Wow! You can’t let go of your hate for the educated, morally upstanding, fiscally responsible, President that actually put a lot of rational thought into how to keep the GOP and their sugar daddies from robbing us blind for the last eight years. Maybe you should move to the Florida coast where you and the other ridiculous old bigots can be washed away by the rising sea levels. That would be one way to make this country better.

  8. Chris Nichols said:

    If the Oroville dam breaks, the federal mortgage association will be hopelessly bankrupt, and the inland will be free from there totalitarian rule.

  9. Steve Lawson said:

    Most of these rules were made in back room sessions with out our concent just so they could make some money

  10. Karin Lee Piper said:

    My employer has the same sort of accommodations for employees (some not as good), and no one says a word.
    This is a government contractor, by the way.

  11. Brandon Brennan said:

    Doug, but… Unjust laws are your duty to disobey! And while I understand some codes are for community safety, beyond that, and provably so, property codes violate my property rights… Luckily I do not have to worry on this point

  12. Christy Sperling said:

    I bet deep down they did this because the city couldn’t profit from them and that’s why they did it.

  13. Millie Johnson said:

    Republican troll, you need to go back to Trump’s swamp where things like you fit right in.

  14. Barbara Willis said:

    Sure can tell you been drinking the “kool-aid”!!!! Just love you liberal idiots!! Your “President” did NOTHING but raise the debt!! Get a grip!! No, HE robbed us blind!! That’s why he didn’t want anyone else spending money, he had to have it for ISIS, Iran, his “refugees”(lol), and don’t forget his, his he/she’s, it’s mother and half of DC’s multi-million dollar vacations!! That’s when the$#%&!@*wasn’t playing golf!! Yeah, he was “great”!!! Why the hell do you think Clinton lost?? Because she was just like him and “we the people with a working brain” voted that BS down!! You have a wonderful life full of your hatred for us conservatives!!! We have a REAL President now!! Thank GOD!!!!!!

  15. Barbara Willis said:

    Cheryl Sims , better be praying for yourself lady!! Seems like you have an awful lot of hate for our President!! Better pray for yourself, you need it!!! I saw your FB page, also!! You’renothing to brag about either!! Better clean your own house, before you$#%&!@*about someone else!! Sure can tell you’re a liberal!!

  16. Barbara Willis said:

    Millie Johnson , you just stay with the Dumbocrats!! We don’t need liberal assholes!!!!!Dumbocrat troll!!!

  17. Barbara Willis said:

    Shannon Poole Boy, Odumba really had you fooled!! Fiscally responsible?? Educated?? Morally upstanding?? Where the hell were YOU for 8 years??!! You have to be a Dumbocrat!! Everyone of you have had your heads up your asses for 8 years!! Odumba was nothing more than an illegal, muslim, treasonous bastard!! He had you all fooled!! You’re just pissed because that lying witch lost, even after trying to rig the election and all of the illegals that voted!! I’ll pray for you!!!

  18. David MacArthur said:

    Guess they couldn’t figure out a way to pad their own pockets, this is wrong.

  19. JS Fardello said:

    This is another prime example of our schizophrenic government at “work”. Do this but don’t do it or you will be fined or jailed!

    Trying to keep up with all that nonsense would literally drive anyone to insanity. Don’t comply with stupidity and educate others about things such as jury nullification, state nullification and how not to comply.

    For every “rule” or “law” they create, a new batch of “criminals” is created as the result of it.

    Liberty was the entire point of the founding of this piece of land as “our” nation. We need to start acting like it.

  20. Sandy Oneill said:

    omg –like the camps in the adirondacks —omg afraid someone hide there —-

  21. Margaret Arross said:

    How is this creating a “sense of terror” greater than the ghettos in the cities? Maybe it’s simple; It’s a lot cleaner and they are trying to take care of themselves by growing a garden. Shame on the “authorities” who would disrespect this with such a preposterous statement. Shame!

  22. Angela Chester said:

    Good article. Property values in southern California are unreasonably high, that being said, why put them on highway overpasses?? That’s crazy! Move them further inland. There are places like this out there but the homeless don’t necessarily want to leave the area in which drugs are plentiful. There are options, you need to want to take those options though.

  23. Sharon Woomer said:

    they should have to rebuild everything that was destroyed …and give back all their

  24. Matt Hargett said:

    If you think you “own” anything then you are naive. You are government property. So is all the stuff you like to think of as yours.

  25. Joey Meza said:

    Its a safety issue riiight. Tents are much safer. Spent 20 billion for illegals but left Americans and your infrastructure to rot.

  26. Kim Colson said:

    This is ABSOLUTELY disgusting. The “officials” need to become homeless in the most frigid of winter..outside for at least a month..and with very little money, food or warm clothing or none at all (some clothing just to cover themselves up so we wouldn’t have to see their naked bodies’)I would bet they would ch

  27. Kim Colson said:

    to continue.(.I hit the send button too soon.) anyway..I would bet they would change their minds and get on the band wagon for those little houses…and if not then leave them out in the cold UNTIL they do.

  28. George Kolankowski said:

    I think ….hope the Trump Administration takes out this “administration” and clean out the swamp of this type of “administration”….fast ! We need these types of “administrations” , then seeking homeless shelters , really really fast .

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