Are You Prepared For a Power Outage? What You Need to Know

A lot of us take electricity for granted. We use it every day, whether we're vacuuming our house, charging our cell phones, cooking on our electric stove or turning on the light to read. Electricity is everywhere. But what happens when we are hit with a natural disaster? Remember in 2012 when the people of New York lost power for almost a week? Many were left feeling hopeless and scared because they were not equipped with the items they needed for survival.

In today's post, we're going to talk about what you will need in the even this happens to you or your family. Preparing for the unknown is a great concept to adopt, because ultimately no one knows what tomorrow will bring. So whether it's a storm, a tornado, a power outage or a crazy earthquake – you'll feel confident that a midst the chaos, you have what you need to get through it.

There are a variety of options available to you in the event of a power outage and we'll discuss them in further detail on page 2. 


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  1. Jericho Rusciolelli said:

    Man lived for hundreds of thousands of years without electricity. If you can’t live without it you should die.

  2. Perry Gonzales said:

    Most people don’t know and frankly don’t care about an EMI attack. I heard about it some years ago while doing research on Nicola Tesla.
    It’s called,”the Medusa project”


