Ancient Survival Medicine That Was Lost to History But Can be Reclaimed Again

native americans

Long before the modern medical industry was established, many ancient cultures cultivated their own means of medicine and wellness. The Native Americans were one of the most notable cultures to do this.

History books often elaborate the many ways Native tribes used local plants to make tinctures and elixirs. But their approach to health was much more than just home remedies.

They took a completely holistic approach to living well because they understood the correlation between a healthy lifestyle and physical health.

Although many of the ancient Native American remedies have been long forgotten, there is still so much more we can learn from.

When SHTF these remedies may be something you will want to use, especially if a lot of your everyday supplies that you would normally stock up on at the store are now gone.

Check out the next page to find out how you can apply to holistic lifestyle to your daily routine.

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  1. Lisa Mccall said:

    My grandmother passed down knowledge, they called it folk remedies. Onion cough syrup tastes bad, but works great.

  2. Justin Beauvais said:

    In a SHTF situation you just need to accept that your life expectancy just dropped significantly. You need to cling to medical supplies as hard as you can.

    Natural remedies exist and some do help, but the majority of them are bunk. Even for all the things that work (willow bark, aloe, honey, tree sap, etc.) they aren’t miracle cures for anything. Diseases as simple as the flu or diarrhea can kill. There is a reason that life expectancy before modern medicine was in the 40’s and 50’s. Natural medicines don’t usually work.

    Staying healthy with a good diet, good exercise, and good hygiene can extend your life, but without medical supplies and aid something as simple as a scratch can get infected, spiral out of control, and kill you.

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