An EMP Strikes. What to Do Next? Here are Seven Steps:

upset man

two people talking

3. Talk to your neighbors

This step is absolutely critical, you have to get out and talk to your close neighbors and explain to them what is going on. They will be in denial for the most part, hopefully you have copies of the EMP report printed off which you can distribute as you go door to door. Explain to them what is going on and that time is critical, let them know a worst case scenario means that there will be no help coming for quite a long time. Additionally mention the following to them.

a. Discuss a neighborhood watch. Tell them that in a few days or weeks things will get dangerous with hungry people roaming the streets. It is essential that you define your neighborhood’s boundaries and set up a neighborhood watch of sorts, assigning people to different shifts.

b. Tell them to inventory their supplies. Most people have 3 to 5 days food on hand in their home. You should mention that they need to start rationing what they have, and taking inventory of everything else.

c. Start identifying those with skills. I wrote about how to organize a survival community as well as what skills will be valuable after T-SHTF in a few recent articles. While making the rounds in your neighborhood you should start identifying who has special skills and make note of it. Cops or military personnel could help with security, doctors have obvious value, and so on and so forth.

In order to make it through an EMP, it is a good idea to form close ties with neighbors and educate people what is going on. Otherwise, there could be a lot of panic, and it's important to stay calm and make a plan of action.

As well as communicating with others and developing skills to survive, you must also think about food. Learn what steps to take to ration food as well as learn a few other pertinent things you must not forget when an EMP takes place after the break.

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  1. Walt Robbins said:

    1 realize that you probably don’t have to go to work today
    2 gather your fishing gear and plenty of beverages for the day
    3 attempt to catch fish
    4 determine how serious the situation is to know if you are going to work tomorrow or go fishing again
    5 assess the situation to see how long it will persist
    6 decide if you can continue to live where you are living
    7 determine an alternative place to live if necessary

  2. Stryder North said:

    I have seen this list posted many times and have always let it go in the vain of foolish idealism. Number 3 and 4 will get you killed. If there ever is a real EMP than you HAVE TO accept that 90% of the population will not make it. We manufacture our food and without electricity, this stops. Do you really think your neighbors who HAVE NOT prepped are going to starve to death when they know you have what they see on your INVENTORY. Depending on the time of year it will be up to six months before food can be grown. Six months with no grocery stores, no government and no civilization. Do not be fooled by the TV shows and movies showing all the gentle little communities of hippy’s in earth tone cottons sharing and caring. Its going to be ugly, very ugly and the only ones who will survive will be those who prepared and preparing including defending your home.

  3. Josh Gottschalk said:

    Step 1 use dirt bike for transportation
    Step 2 humans are meat, eat your neighbors
    Step 3 repeat as needed

  4. James Pallasch said:

    Every thing you have mentioned should already be in place prior to the EMP. More attention must be given to your not being in your SAFE ZONE when the SHTF! I travel quite a lot, sometimes at great distances from my home. It is best to have a contingency plan with your children or part of your tribe, as it were, because, in all honesty, I do not believe I or you will make it home. I believe that if you are across a few rivers and more than a few days away from home, you are pushing the envelope. I am not saying not to try but be realistic in your endeavor to get home safely. Avoid any one you do not know and do not hesitate to strike first if you feel threatened. You are stronger and much smarter than you give yourself credit for. Use all your resources to their maximum and, more than likely, you will survive! The greatest thing in your arsenal is believing that it might happen and taking the time to prepare in any way you deem necessary to see you and your loved ones through it!

  5. Stephen Kitchens said:

    No cell phones,no vehicles past the 80s will working.OMG A LOT OF FOLKS WILL SHRIVEL UP AND DIE.

  6. John Rudd said:

    Remember Y2k was supposed to be the end! Yes it was a major catastrophe that never happened, I tell you what did happen though…a lot of people cashed in selling the goods in prep for it!! I understand reasonable preparations, but stop with the fear mongering BS!

  7. Kevin Reilly said:

    Matthew Fry, yep, the corner market will be quite busy, say, 10 seconds after the event. Thats why I have Connibear 110s

  8. Kenny Gobert said:

    My biggest fear is my daughter , son in law , & 2 grandsons are in Utah , base camp is my house in Texas . I’ve done my best to train them & son in law is capable . Daughter is a Dr, so they have assets & hopefully determination

  9. David Freeman said:

    If you travel I would suggest keeping a map showing rail lines, power lines and pipelines. These avenues might be safer routes rather than highways. In addition you would be well served to know where the large industrial sites are because every one of them has 3 important elements, a medical department, a maintenance​ tool shed and vending machines. I feel safe sharing this because I don’t travel anymore.

  10. Sketch Parker said:

    This guy…
    The article isn’t saying “It’s gonna happen tomorrow!!! Freak out!”
    If you read it, it’s an article of “If this happens, you can do this.”
    There’s no harm in being informed, and I see no hysteria being caused by this. Being informed is a reasonable preparation, so I fail to see the relevance of your protest.

  11. Sketch Parker said:

    You’re right. We’ve never had a grid failure ever. The hurricane in New Orleans didn’t wipe out the power and utilities there, and people were not raped and killed in the refugee camp in the stadium. People were totally calm and collected.

  12. Stirling Worden said:

    Florida has 2 full grids one overlapping the other which was done for reduduncy on purpose

  13. Sketch Parker said:

    Just making sure everyone knows, microwave’s Faraday cage effect does not actually protect against EMP. If you want your electronics to function after EMP, you need to make a Faraday cage.

  14. Don Luttrell said:

    relax, because I live in the mountains of Honduras….and no one wants to EMP strike the mountains of Honduras. jk

  15. Kevin Reilly said:

    but the more you think about it,,it makes sense as long as it is not damagaed it should keep out em waves

  16. Constance Schott said:

    Have fun “printing off that EMP report”. Also, I don’t know my neighbors. Not sharing the food, etc. that I have scrimped to save for my family.

  17. Brian Tackenberg said:

    I really wish people would get over this EMP nonsense. Scientifically it has already been debunked and there are only two other nations with the “capability” but who’s nuclear missiles are one of their highest secured programs. WWIII is more likely to break out than an EMP and there are many, many, maaaaaany other things to be focused on aside from the lights suddenly going out from an EMP.

  18. Mike Bush said:

    I don’t need to read this right now. I’ll just bookmark it to read when and if an EMP goes off in my area.

  19. Al Verschua said:

    EMP is very real people. Don”t let anyone tell you otherwise

  20. Cody Strong said:

    I didn’t see anything regarding loading up the AR and establishing a defensive perimeter. 1/10

  21. James Stealey said:

    Honestly you should already be prepping for long term power outages …regardless of the cause. EMP is the newest trigger word!


