An Easy All-Purpose DIY Cleaner That Actually Really Works


Below are a couple of recipes for natural ingredient cleaners that are good for your family and you home! You have to clean, as much as we hate to admit it, so you might as well clean without harmful chemicals and other suspect ingredients!

Natural Ingredients for a Cleaner That Works
One of my favorite homemade All Purpose Cleaners is formulated with a few simple ingredients that I know are effective in cleaning household surfaces.

Hydrogen Peroxide (3%): This common medicine cabinet staple can kill bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungus. It is listed with the Environmental Protection Agency as a sterilizer. It can be used to disinfect all your surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom, remove stains, and even to clean mirrors and stainless steel. I like to use it full-strength because it’s already diluted (3% hydrogen peroxide, 97% water) when you purchase it. Note: Hydrogen peroxide is sensitive to light, so must be kept either in its original bottle (with an added spray nozzle) or transferred to another opaque spray bottle.

Essential Oils: Essential oils are the volatile oils extracted from various parts of plants. In addition to their wonderful aroma, certain essential oils are known for their antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and germicidal properties. I love adding essential oils to a DIY cleaner to further enhance its effectiveness.
Anything else? No. This is how you keep DIY cleaners really simple, cheap, and effective!
Enjoy this recipe.
Lavender Mint Homemade All Purpose Cleaner

You will need: Opaque spray bottle or the original hydrogen peroxide bottle with added spray nozzle, 16 oz. hydrogen peroxide (3%), ½ teaspoon lavender essential oil (find pure lavender EO here), ½ teaspoon lemon essential oil (find pure lemon EO here), ⅛ teaspoon peppermint essential oil (find pure peppermint EO here).

Directions: Combine all ingredients in bottle, attach spray nozzle, and shake to combine. For best disinfecting results, spray on surfaces and leave for several minutes before wiping clean.

You may think it is easier to simply purchase “natural” cleaners from the grocery store or your local Walmart © but they may not be as genuine as you think! Something to keep in mind: If a product is made in mass it is there to make money. Those who make them are not as concerned about your family and their good health as you are!

To learn more about how to make a natural cleaner that works go to DIY Natural. You can never learn too much about the potentially toxic substances used around your home!

One Comment;

  1. Brandi Jo Robinson said:

    I save lemon rind and put it cut up in a jar of vinegar for a few weeks. Then i strain it and add water and seventh generation peroxide cleaner and add essential oils of choice. Usually like lavender.


