Ammo Storage Tips Everyone Must Follow to Ensure it’ll Work When Needed

Ammunition care is boring, but it is vital.

Here is what you need to keep in mind when developing your ammo cache.

Tips for Protecting Your Ammunition Stockpile

Vacuum Seal – Vacuum sealing your ammunition can help protect it from water, rust, and even burying it underground.

Rotation – Just like long term food storage, the key to successfully storing ammo is to rotate your ammunition as often as possible.

Humidity Kills – Humidity is probably one of the biggest things you need to worry about. Try to keep your ammo in a low humidity location, or use some sort of dehumidifying equipment in your storage area.

Periodic Checks – If you’re not regularly firing your ammo, it’s a good idea to check your supplies at least once every six months for signs of corrosion.

Silica Packets – Those little silica gel packets that come in just about everything these days, are a great way to keep your ammo in top notch condition. Silica Gel, or desiccant packets, should be placed in your ammo cans to help get rid of moisture.

If you have ever had a kill shot lined up on game only to have your ammunition not function, you know how frustrating it can be.

But in a survival situation, that frustration takes on an entirely new dimension because one dud might mean whether you eat or not!

That means you must store your ammunition properly, rotate and inspect it with regularity.

To learn more on ammunition care, please check out Off Grid Survival.

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