Ammo is Just Ammo, Right? I Read These Tips on Ammo and Now I’m Ready for When SHTF


Guns Are Great, But You Need Enough Ammo… Especially If You Find Yourself In A Sticky Situation. Read Up On Ammo And Check Out These Tricks On How to Stock Up:

Are you stocking up for when SHTF? Do you anticipate a future where your survival will depend on your proficiency with a gun? Well, you can have all the guns you want, but if you don't have the ammunition to back it up, those guns are about as useful as a stick.

A lot of people only have a few boxes of rounds stored up for when SHTF. After all, we don't want to tie up all of our money into something we genuinely hope we won't have to use. But when you think about it, if you go hunting, chances are you'll fire more than one round. This is especially the case if you really want to have the option of hunting as long as possible and stretch your food stores.

Or if bandits try to raid your supplies, you'll probably need quite a few shells to get the message across. For these reasons, having plenty of ammo on hand is important, and making sure you're getting the best bang for your buck (pun intended) is as important as the ammo itself.

To learn what to look for and all the tricks to getting the best deal on ammunition, check out the in-depth article on the next page.

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  1. Boston Byron said:

    I’ve used perFecta from Walmart for my s&w 40 which cost me $13.54 plus tax 6% in my state. I like it no jams, no issues. I only shoot brass! 9mm in PerFecta (made in Italy) was $9.84 a box of 50

    • Heretic said:

      There’s no such thing as “cop killer” bullets. That’s liberal propaganda.

  2. Dominic Norton said:

    I have a minimum level for all ammo I use on had at all times, what that minimum level is is not up for disclosuer.

  3. Dominic Norton said:

    And actually I am short on three right now, but one is an old .44 black powder revolver and I only have 6 balls for it, enough powder to feed it for around 6 month, but olny 6 projectiles, I thinned out my shotgun last weekend and now olny have 10 rounds for it, and my hunting rifle is down to 14 but I plan to go to the range in a few weeks to verify the zero on the scope and will likely then restock for it.

  4. Kevin Lewis said:

    Got plenty of ammo for all guns.
    So much more to work on.
    Food, water, medical items, medications, perimeter defenses etc.

  5. Marty Jr Surdam said:

    Learn to make pressure cooked (activated charcoal)… Fresh, SAFE water will make you more friends than ammo…

    • Heretic said:

      You don’t need ammo for your friends……….

  6. Larry L. Patrick said:

    What the article says about steel case ammo is correct . Experienced a double feed type 3 malfunction in a rifle that has performed well for yrs. was shooting steel case ammo at the time of the malfunction.

    • Heretic said:

      I don’t use steel case because I like my rifle.


