After I Saw All of the Incredible Uses for Hand Warmers, I Couldn’t Wait to Use Them Off Grid!

Hand warmers

Hand warmers are incredibly useful for providing heat for our hands and feet. If you haven't already tried these things out, go and buy a packet and try them for yourself; you'll be impressed just how much heat they can crank out. However, they can be used for a myriad of other applications, as well. Watch the video below to add these tricks to your repertoire.

One of the coolest tricks in this video is the warming of batteries to make them last longer. Batteries dying quickly in the cold is a really annoying byproduct of winter, so having a really easy trick in the bag to add new life to these electronics is always useful. Another trick we thought was cool was using hand warmers to dry out the inside of damp boots, which is always a problem on those overnight camping trips.

In this way, you will not only have warmth, but also dryness, which will no doubt improve your outing. There are a myriad of other uses these hand warmers can be applied to; come up with some of your own and let others know so we can all be prepared.



