After a Collapse, Black Seed Oil May be the Solution to Alleviating Asthma Symtoms


This study, published in Phytotherapeutic Research indicates pretty strongly that Black Seed Oil might be a very effective alternative to pharmaceutical products in treating asthma.

While any study needs follow-up and more study before it is accepted as fact, this controlled program indicated that Asthmatics who took Black Seed Oil experienced a greater degree of control of Asthma than participants who did not.

“Compared with placebo, NSO group showed a significant improvement in mean Asthma Control Test score 21.1 (standard deviation?=?2.6) versus 19.6 (standard deviation?=?3.7) (p?=?0.044) and a significant reduction in blood eosinophils by -50 (-155 to -1) versus 15 (-60 to 87) cells/?L (p?=?0.013). NSO improved forced expiratory volume in 1 second as percentage of predicted value by 4 (-1.25 to 8.75) versus 1 (-2 to 5) but non-significant (p?=?0.170).” [emphasis added]

The conclusion of the study was reported as follows:

This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial demonstrated that NSO supplementation improves asthma control with a trend in pulmonary function improvement. This was associated with a remarkable normalization of blood eosinophlia. Future studies should follow asthmatics for longer periods in a multicentre trial.”

The study provides insight into why nutritionally-based interventions are superior to conventional drug-based ones. Since the 2006 discovery by asthma drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline that asthma medications actually increase the risk of death from the very condition being treated, the need for safer and more effective asthma solutions has never been clearer.

One of the primary criticisms of monotherapy with long-acting beta agonists is that they do not address the underlying inflammation that is closer to the root cause of asthma. This is why conventional approaches now default to combining corticosteroids with beta-agonists. Corticosteroids, however, have a wide range of adverse health effects, including immunosuppression and even severe psychiatric side effects. The fact that black seed oil extract can improve overall clinical parameters of asthma, as well as significantly reduce blood eosinophil levels (the target of steroid drugs) to the point of “normalization,” is amazing.

Food, of course, is several orders of magnitude safer and more affordable than prescription drugs, and unlike the dozens of known side effects that occur with virtually all FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, foods like black seed have dozens of side benefits.

During an acute survival scenario, common healthcare and medications will be attained at a very steep premium; in many cases, the only alternative will be to resort to government run facilities as part of a disaster relief program.

In some cases, depending on the severity of the survival situation, even that might not be an option.

If that scenario ever emerges, asthma suffering survivalists will have a choice to make – unless they look to natural alternatives – and Black Seed Oil is one such possibility.

To learn more about this study and the benefits of Black Seed Oil, check out Wake Up World.


