A Major Earthquake Just Took Place. Here’s How to Quickly Escape an Earthquake Zone in One Piece…

cracked road after earthquake

Of the many things preppers prepare for, from economic failure to EMPs to terrorist attacks, natural disasters are above all the most likely reason you'll ever have to make use of your prepping skills and supplies.

Among natural disasters, few things frighten people as much as a powerful earthquake. You can see a storm coming or a fire rising in the distance, but you can't see an earthquake coming. Earthquakes can reduce an entire city to rubble and ignite fires as if to add insult to injury.

Being ready for an earthquake means a few things. You should know where to plant yourself when you feel the ground start shaking, you should have a kit ready to survive afterward, and you should be ready to assist emergency services afterward to help others in the rubble.

To learn how to make it through an earthquake, go to the next page and start making your plans before the next tremor.

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