(Video) Make Sure Vital Electronic Devices are Protected by Making This Faraday Cage on the Cheap

Faraday cage

A Faraday Cage is a metal enclosure that stores and protects electronic devices.

The best way of thinking about it that it is a safety deposit box for your electronic devices – once inside, they are shielded from just about every type of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP,) natural or man-made.

Electromagnetic pulses come in four different forms: Electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic radiation and electrical conduction.

The most famous EMP event likely is the Carrington Event in 1859, where sunspot activity led to a massive EMP that destroyed telegraph machines and lines.

Today, the Sun poses a threat as do a few natural events and many rogue entities that have stated they are pursuing EMP technology to use as a weapon.

The Faraday cage protects electronic devices from either type of event.

On the video on the next page, we show you how to make one!

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