9 Things We Should NEVER Throw Away

brown paper bag

The following is a small list. There are many more things you can use over and over again but this one is a starter. If you know anything about “throw away” items and those you should not – then you are steps ahead of many others!

1. Nuts, bolts, nails, washers, and screws. Unless they are rusty or bent. Or cheap and will strip out on the first twist of the drill.

2. Plastic store bags.

3. Food! We have made a concentrated effort to be much more diligent about this. Having a dog and chickens helps to make sure food does not go to waste.

4. Canning jars. If they can't be used for canning, we use them to store dry goods.

5. Boxes. I need them for storage and for my giveaway box. If we can't use them anymore, we recycle them.

6. Towels. If they can't be used for bathing or nice kitchen towels anymore, we use them for rags.

7. Clothes. They are either sold, given to someone in need, or donated unless they are too worn out.

8. Blankets and sheets. We either donate them if they have been outgrown (by teenagers too cool for Disney sheets), use them as drop cloths, to protect plants, or we store them for company. They are never thrown away!

9. Totes of all sizes. I am just amazed at how many people just throw these out on the premise that they don't need them anymore. I can't think of a time I haven't needed them! I keep these and reuse the totes until they are broken past the point that duct tape doesn't hold them together anymore!

We found ourselves chuckling at the final item on this list. We are a fanatic about our tote bags. We put everything in our totes and if we see something that looks heavy duty and nice in a store, we are bound to walk over and touch it! This is especially true when preparing to move. Totes have handles and are much easier to carry than a large plastic bin!

We like these ideas because they are not just obvious but very simple to remember. Clothes are really a commodity anyone can use and we are not ashamed to say we hand them down regularly! If you can think of more we would love to hear from you. Meanwhile, go over to Living Life In Rural Iowa to read more!


