9 Surprising Useful Survival Items You Can Find at a Yard Sale. #9 is Life-Saving!

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Yard sales are a great way to find bargains for needed survival items.

Often, people have upgraded their camping and kitchen equipment, tools and clothes and will part with the old at bargain prices.

If you are diligent – scan classifieds for upcoming yard sales, map out a route to hit as many as possible, get up and start early, there is no telling what you can find to help you get the supplies you need.

This is especially true in the early part of the yard sale season, which generally starts late Spring and early Summer.

Yard sales are a must if you want to save money on needed survival items or cannot afford to buy everything brand new!

To see a list of yard sale items you should be on the look out for, check out the next page. #9 is life-saving!

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