9 Phenomenal Uses for Aluminum Foil

aluminum foil

While aluminum foil is most often used for cooking and for improvised balls for the kids to play with on picnics, it actually has a lot of great uses that make it a valuable item to have in your prepping supplies. To learn what these uses are and to begin your own adventures in hacking your own life with aluminum foil, check out the list below.

To learn what the uses are and to begin your own adventures in hacking your own life with aluminum foil, check out the list below.

  1. Solar Oven Reflector: Make your own solar oven.
  2. Scrubber: Scrub pans with crumpled aluminum foil.
  3. Bird Deterrent: Attach to anything to catch the rippling wind.
  4. Sharpen Scissors: Cut through it with a pair of dull scissors to sharpen the blades.
  5. Reflect & Radiate Heat: Wrap plywood in foil and tuck it behind a radiator to reflect heat into the room.
  6. Fishing: Press some aluminum foil around a fishing hook as a lure.
  7. Keep Stuff Dry: Wrap it tightly around things like matches, tinder, or anything you want to keep dry
  8. DIY Faraday Wrap: Completely wrap device in a non-conductive material (Ziploc, paper bag, etc.). Then completely wrap the now-covered radio with foil.
  9. Signal Mirror: Use the reflective properties to form into a signaling device.

Keeping a hefty supply of aluminum foil for when SHTF is a superb idea, due to all the handy uses attributed to this simple item.

Foil makes an excellent cooking aid for the fire because you can simply throw all of the ingredients in the foil, wrap it up, and toss it in the coals for awhile to make a flavorful meal. However, thanks to this list, you can also use foil to cook if you have limited fuel or fire is not an option.

On a sunny day, simply make a solar oven and reflect the sun's heat onto the food.

Another useful way to make use of aluminum foil is like a bird deterrent to protect your garden. The reflective strips will startle birds away from your precious food source.

This is an excellent list, and if you'd like to see more, check out Modern Survival Blog.


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    let’s like post: You’ve seen cooks work magic with this stuff…

    Discover how handy this stuff is outside the kitchen……


