9 of the Best Survival Antibiotics You Need to Add to Your Arsenal NOW

pills to stockpile

Almost all of us have a list of survival items we absolutely need in the event of a survival situation.

It varies from person to person and situation to situation, the priorities of a family of four, for instance, might be different than the priorities of a family of eight or a couple and most certainly different than that of someone on their own.

Almost all of us, however, overlook one very vital supply list that in a survival situation could literally mean the difference between life and death.

I am talking about having a current supply of common antibiotics.

While most of us have basic First Aid stuff covered, how many of us overlook antibiotics, mainly because most are not as easily gotten as, say, gauze bandages, antiseptic spray or over-the-counter pain medicines.

Check out the next page to see a critical list of antibiotics you must include in your survival kit.

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  1. Will Brown said:

    Stockpiling drugs that degrade over time is expensive and usually a waste of money.

  2. Marlett Jasca said:

    You’re further ahead stockpiling therapeutic essential oils. The properties of many medications are altered as they age, and this can be dangerous to one’s health given the right circumstance.

  3. Scott Meacham said:

    Drugs degrade, they don’t change into something else. They simply become less or ineffective.


