8 Surprising Wild Plants You Can Eat to Survive While Bugging Out


Research indicates that there are about 20,000 species of edible plants in the world, yet only about 20 species make up 90% of our diets. Those are some pretty stark numbers.

With unprecedented control over our growing seasons and the ability to store almost any kind of food for the long term, our diets have shrunk dramatically over the past few generations. While we used to eat nearly anything we could gather, nowadays the idea of gathering wild plants for eating is terrifying for most people because we fear that everything is poisonous.

In reality, it is just the opposite. Most plants are edible in some way, and if you know where to look, you can survive without ever having to plant a garden.

Some of the edible plants are downright surprising. Take a look at 8 of our favorite wild meal supplements on the next page.

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  1. Johnny Slone said:

    Foot hold traps is where it’s at No Vegan Rabbit Food??Meat Has More Protein that 1,000 Flowers Combine!!!

  2. David Weaver said:

    This is good information I would suggest for those that don’t know what the plants look like some pictures

  3. Gregg Pastore said:

    Didn’t know corndogs grew on plants. Now, where is the mustard plant.


