If you need to bug out during a disruptive event, here are eight of the most threatening predators in the world that you should be aware of!
As preppers, it is not only important to stockpile food and water, know how to build a fire or make a shelter. You also need to know as much as you can about your surroundings including what animals may live where you are bugging out and how they behave towards you.
You may come across all types of creatures when you are living off the land. It is vital to your survival that you know which ones mean you no harm and which ones could be poisonous, deadly and downright dangerous if messed with.
You should also be able to tell when an animal feels threatened so you know when to stay away. You should also know things like when they hunt and where so you can make sure you don't interfere with these activities. Knowing what to expect from even the most threatening animals can save your life!
To find out more about eight of the most threatening predators in the world, please head on over to the next page where we will tell you which ones to watch out for.
#9 Boxer, Finestein, Pelosi
Lose the head. Skin it cook it yum yum!
If that’s your top 8, don’t come to Australia.
We got$#%&!@*that kills and eats the$#%&!@*on your list.
I disagree with many animals on this list. Cobra and Black mamba don’t even make the top 10 list of most venomous snakes. Hippos kill more people every year than hyenas. Poison dart frogs are incredibly easy to avoid, in fact anything with a pungent smell or bright colors as a rule of thumb should be avoided. I would have added on there packs of dogs that get loose after any catastrophe and band together. They can be incredibly dangerous if they wanted to.
See snake, kill snake, eat snake. Move on
Cobra’s are rear fanged not in the front
Yeah I was thinking something we might actually encounter in America but I guess we don’t have anything that could be deadly here, lol!
You forgot hippopotamuses.
Never leaving North America again. That leaves Cougars and Bears. Bears are fairly predictable as long as you don’t spook them or get in the middle of momma and cubs. Cougars though. I have never seen one in the wild, but i wouldn’t be surprised if one or two have seen me.
Agree with Ken. Nice info, but we don’t have cobras, black mambas and nile crocs in NJ. People need to know the deadly wild animals in their area. I might encounter a black bear, but hyenas are really rare around here. Actually the most deadly and vicious predator in NJ is the welfare recipient – takes everything, refusing nothing, giving nothing in return