8 EPIC Ways To Make Soda Cans Work In A Survival Situation

Just about anywhere you go, anywhere people have traveled, you can find an aluminum soda can someone has thoughtlessly discarded.

While this is awful for the environment, in a survival situation, one person's litter is another person's survival asset.

In a survival situation, the versatility of the aluminum can is virtually unmatched.

You can use them to make a candle reflector light, the inside (unpainted part) as an outdoor sun reflector, whistle, even a fish hook that is surprisingly effective.

In fact, if you find yourself in a survival situation, it is worth picking up any discarded aluminum cans you find for use later – it is almost guaranteed you will be able to use them to build some type of survival tool.

On the following page, we'll show you 8 EPIC Ways To Make Soda Cans Work In A Survival Situation!


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