7 Things to Never, Ever Eat in the Wild

flying bat

When a person is hungry they don't always think clearly. However, if a person is starving then they may become more desperate. This is especially the case when a person is starving out in the wilderness and they are unsure where they are going to find their new food source.

To a person who is starving, eating a vibrant green plant that looks fine to eat may seem like a great option. Or perhaps a berry or mushroom looks moderately safe, and therefore, is worth the risk to eat.

It's easy to abandon all sense of caution if you're that hungry, because who wants to die of starvation? So is it best to throw caution to the wind and eat something you're unsure of or stick it out and wait for something that you know won't harm your body?

Sometimes the risk is not worth it, because you could die from eating the wrong thing or get very ill, causing yourself to feel even worse.

After the break check out 7 things a person should never, ever eat in the wild. Eat one of these food sources and you may find yourself worse off than before!

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  1. Fred Fleischman said:

    If someone doesn’t know what or what not to eat in the wild shouldn’t be in the wild hit up the local Mickey D’s in town and quite trashing our resources

  2. Jerry Oaks said:

    We eat them here in FL also, soon as shop’s get them they are sold out

  3. Chris Granquist said:

    These were all simple no-brainers…C’mon, are there really people that stupid out there??!?

  4. Sean Mel said:

    Marrow is actually a great survival food. Has been for tens of thousands of years and is still eaten by many hunters

  5. Scott Tabor said:

    This is BS have the stuff you would never eat anyway and you can eat bat I have several times. Never had a problem yet.

  6. Sean Mel said:

    I’ve never heard if any risks. Crack the bones and boil to make a soup stock, if you’re worried about bacteria

  7. Josey Wales said:

    Not all Holly is toxic. Only English holly, with the red berries is toxic.

    North American holly is quite edible, and the leaves contain natural caffien

  8. Byron Kerr said:

    Most of this is complete bs. Lion fish can be eaten if prepared properly, why not add that into your mind boggling click bait ads as to how to cook it? You could probably add another 30 or so links with your chick bait bs.
    Oh, and eating bat? Just another reason to cook thoroughly. You go from eating bat to getting bit by bat in the same sense and then you don’t really make sense. I’m just curious….. how much are you actually making by creating click bait rather than properly educating people? Seems the money has become the latter with all these pages now.

  9. Jacob Reinbolt said:

    Lionfish is delicious and perfectly safe. A delicacy even. And being as they are invasive in thw Caribbean, the more we comsume, the more we helo the ecosystems down there. Shame om whoever made this post.

  10. Kenneth Nowicki said:

    Who comes across lionfish in the wild? I mean, there are much more easily attainable food sources.

  11. Chip Klass said:

    I’m surprised they didn’t include humans, if nothing more than the macabre and ethical reasons.

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