7 Survival Shelters That You Should Practice Making NOW – They’re Incredible!

scout shelter

You're hiking through an excellent wilderness. The birds are chirping, you've got a belly full of trail mix (or GORP), and your canteen is topped off. Suddenly you find yourself…lost.

You have no idea where you are or where you should be going. It happens more often than you would think, which is why everyone should learn how to read and carry a map because GPS systems are not always reliable.

Hopefully, you have a tent, but if you were taking a short trek away from your campsite, you now face the dilemma of having no shelter.

Learning the shelters of our ancestors and indigenous people around the world will undoubtedly increase your chances, but having a variety of shelters in your knowledge inventory will undoubtedly keep you alive.

Check out the examples on the next page to start learning all about these shelters now.

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