7 Self Defense Tips That Could Come in Handy


The following can be used for either men or woman. It can be dangerous out there, before and after a SHTF scenario. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

Stop Someone From Targeting You In an Elevator – Let’s say you’re entering your apartment building or leaving the office late at night and an unfamiliar person follows you onto the elevator. Press all of the floor buttons. No one will dare to attack you if the door is opening constantly.

Get Out of a Zip Tie – Zip ties are one of the most common restraint tools used by kidnappers, since they’re much cheaper than handcuffs. Using just your own body and some determination, you can force your way out of them.
Let Your Hair Down – Unfortunately, ponytails and braids can make an easy route for someone to grab you from behind. If you’re able, put your hair down until you arrive at your destination.

Attacked in the Street? Do NOT Stand Still – Even if you’re not an athlete or trained in self-defense, you have the capabilities to fight someone off. Inexperienced fighters are prone to standing still, so remember to utilize all available body parts, like your knees, elbows, and legs.

Memorize Some Special Pressure Points – Try to stay as calm as possible and pay attention to position of the attacker to determine the best place to strike if they provoke you. For instance, do not step in closer to hit their nose with your hand if you’re in the right spot to reach their knee with a kick.

Know How to Get Out of a Wrist Hold – If someone grabs you by the wrist, pull your arm toward where their thumb and fingers meet (the weakest point of their grip).

Know the Right Way to Use Mace – Do you have a can of pepper spray lying in the bottom of your bag, but actually have no idea what to do with it in an emergency? Learn some tips on how to effectively use it without harming yourself.

The above is the reason we stress preparation when it comes to a survival situation. Being able to avoid people during times of worldwide tension, when men and women become desperate enough to strike out, makes staying at home in your well-prepared house or bug-out shelter more than desirable.

And, for the here and now, when the world seems to be steeped in turmoil, when you hear about attacks from near and abroad, keeping you and your family safe is understandable. A good place to start is the simple know-how of breaking free from a zip-tie or the use of mace.

To learn more go to Buzzfeed.


