7 Remarkable Survival Tips You Can Learn From 19th Century Cowboys

cowboys on horseback

The men and women who traveled west in the 1800's were remarkable survivalists. They lived during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and went through difficult times all the while using what skills they had to stay alive.

Everything they owned was either purchased at a store that was usually located miles away or was handmade. When they were in need of new supplies, they couldn't just buy it on Amazon. Instead, they were forced to learn new skills so they could make it or travel miles to get it.

It's impossible not to admire these brave cowboys who moved out west to make a new living for themselves. They were forced to learn how to be mentally strong and also physically strong when the occasion called for it. Furthermore, they traveled far and had to care for their families along the way often with scarce food and little resources available.

Cowboys were the ultimate survivalists in every sense of the word.

After the break, discover what it is about cowboys that make them such inspiration to survivalists today. They may be gone, but one thing's for certain: their survival skills and tips live on…

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  1. Eric Swanson said:

    Any time in the history of man who survived to pass one their genes can tell you the same. If they could talk.

  2. Rosine Ghawji said:

    no problem with survival the problem now is no more courageous cowboys

  3. Chris Wilson said:

    Robert Reeh he’s what real natives would call a blue eyed Indian

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