7 Places Where a Person Can Survive the Inevitable Collapse That’s Coming

Fort Jefferson - Key West, Florida

Most of us who are into prepping and everything that has to do with survival likely have an idea what we will be doing when the grid goes down.

We've made plans, have our bug out kits ready and are prepared to bug out (or bug in) the minute the call comes.

However, while some of us are willing or a rudimentary level, we still aren't sure when and how it will all go down.

Many will bug out and head to the wilderness for safety, but will they really know what it will entail?

Some people may need more direction and after the break are some ideas as to where some people may want to go to survive during a collapse or if their plans fall through.

Plus, these shelters are built to withstand catastrophic events and I'm not sure about you, but it's reassuring being in a structure like that when there's a bomb threat or another serious SHTF situation going on!

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  1. John Schroeder said:

    Just to put this in perspective, some folks like Howard Ruff, Harry Browne and Doug Casey were predicting the inevitable economic collapse about 35 long years ago !

  2. James Cameron said:

    Haha the place on your cover has NO WATER Abandoned by the Army in 1874.

  3. Bernadette Bonthuys said:

    Because everybody else will be looking for water. Increasing your chances of danger. Keep yourself safe by hiding where nobody else would. Brush up on other survival skills when you have run out of water to collect it. Logic.

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