7 Nutritionally Healthy Foods to Stockpile With Incredible Shelf Lives!

It is easy to stock up on food you like, but much harder to stock up on targeted foods that will last you throughout a long-term survival situation.

Here are some general guidelines.

Rice: Every time you go to the store you should buy one 10-lb bag of rice. You can find them for around $5 at most supermarkets. Rice will stay in good condition for 10 years or more if stored properly. It offers high carbohydrates which is especially important if you are exerting a lot of physical energy during a crisis.

Beans: Beans are known to be one of the best all-round survival foods. They’re high in protein, and if sealed in food-grade buckets with a small amount of dried ice, they’ll stay for up to ten years. Make sure to store them in a cool, dry, dark location. Buy a 4-5 lb bags of dried beans every time you go to the store. All dry beans are good to store; black beans, red beans, pinto beans, lentils, etc.

Cornmeal: All-purpose flours are good to store, but cornmeal may be the best overall. Cornmeal is packed with dense carbohydrates and contains oils that helps extend its shelf life. Get a 5-lb bag of cornmeal ($10-$15) at each grocery visit. Seal and store the same way as beans (buckets, salt and dry ice), and it will safely keep 8 months to 2 years.

Salt: Salt is one of the most useful survival food items. It’s used for storing food, curing beef, and flavoring most meals. Salt will stay forever, so always buy extra when you’re shopping.

Canned Fruit & Vegetables: These are another obvious survival food, but not as practical as many would think. They’re heavy and somewhat costly for the calories they deliver. Additionally, acidic fruits and any cans with tomatoes will not keep as long as most people think. But most canned food is good for 5+ years. Buy green vegetables and fruits like peaches and pears for long-term storage, but more importantly, buy what you already eat in case you need to rotate them into your diet before they go bad.

Canned Meat: Canned meats like ham, tuna, and chicken are excellent to store. They typically will keep for 6-10 years and they’re an excellent source of protein. However, if the grid is down for a long time (apocalyptic), hunting and fishing will likely provide most meats. Therefore, it may be sufficient to buy extra canned meats every other time you go shopping.

Pasta: Pasta is a good light-weight storable food that is also a great source of carbohydrates. Pasta will not keep as long as rice, but it can stay for around 5 years in good conditions. Pasta is also very inexpensive and extra should be bought at each trip to the store. It will take up more space in your food bank than rice, beans and cornmeal, so plan your space the best you can.

You know when the US federal government says you need to put away a stockpile of food for a survival event, that they must be assuming the risk of an even beyond their control is a real possibility.

By planning your stockpiling, both regarding what to buy and when to buy it, you can ensure that your stock exceeds your needs in all but the direst of events.

To see more ideas on stockpiling survival food, please visit the Activist Post.


  1. Matt Saraceno said:

    Hillary, “progressive” for 8 months. Bernie, progressive for 50 years… Do you really know the candidates?? Seriously now… maybe why you never hear Bernie saying he “needed to evolve” with “learning moments” yuh think??

    Bernie has foresight and good judgment in the beginning, when it matters. Hillary blows BEHIND the social / political winds. She then apologizes later to make everything all better. She is a centrist with bad judgment. Nothing more. We expect the leader of the free world to have Bernie’s judgment and character. Life long champion of the people.

    Hillary’s judgment errors: TPP, Iraq, $15 hr. – thank you California! Literally passing by Hillary’s poor judgment (no, not $12 hr. Hillary), Libya, Patriot act, Afghanistan, DOMA/Gay rights, Syria, Keystone pipeline, War on drugs, Carbon Tax, No Child left behind, Bank Bailouts, Campaign finance/citizens united (has pacs and superpacs now!), NAFTA (said it was a bad idea), Crime Bill (apologized for ‘superpredator’ gaffe, crack-cocaine sentencing disparity), welfare reform bill (apologized for), Banking reform (wants to make it more expensive for traditional banks to be big, shadow banking reform only), Wall street reform (has nothing here yet, a future flip flop), death penalty (still confused on this one and will come to Bernie’s stance soon), fracking (also still confused, will move to Bernie’s stance), Immigration (voted to kill the bill after backing it initially)….. regarding the TPP, she will again be for it once elected. Why? Corporations wrote and enforce the TPP terms. Corporations write her platform…. Compare. Decide. Vote.

  2. Ann Waters said:

    so what is considered a “food grade bucket” and where do you get them?

  3. Anonymous said:

    Tom Horn’s website has them, a bunch of the evngelical types have lots of good deals too, like down to $0.16 per meal if you buy 16 years worth, but they have all kinds and sizes. I have been saving to try one.

  4. Marie Walden said:

    Lowes and Home depot has them to, they also have the gama screw on lids, the lids cost more then the buckets. The buckets were about 3.00 and the lid was 6.00.

  5. Hazel Curry said:

    Mormons teach that a family should have one year’s worth of food stock piled for emergencies.

  6. Hazel Curry said:

    Bernie Sanders is a communist. He calls it socialism but he’s a communist. Communists hate individual freedoms. You will be assimilated. Good luck with that.

  7. Charles Echols said:

    DOOOD…. Mormons preach your prophet read your Bible out of a hat using 4 golden plates and magic rocks…

  8. Wes Pryor said:

    She needs to be kicked to the curb. I will NEVER trust a muslim.

  9. Michael Jimenez said:

    You can also purchase oxygen absorbing packets to toss into your food buckets to help extend food shelf life.

  10. Javari Nama said:

    Great….gluten and BPA.


