7 Items to Scavenge From Abandoned Cars When All Hell Breaks Loose


Post-collapse, the reality is there will be a lot of abandoned cars to the severity of the SHTF situation such as an earthquake, hurricane, EMP, or another event.

It's true that abandoned cars can provide a lot of survival materials from tools to items that people can re-purpose. However, before scavenging items from a car, it's important to make sure the vehicle has truly been abandoned. Never take items from a car unless you've come to the conclusion that it was left and no one will be coming back for it.

After you've confirmed that the car has indeed been left and there are a lot of supplies you can use for survival purposes.

Some of the items include hoses, bags, shoes, mirrors, ropes; you name it. Use these supplies during a collapse and add them to your survival stash because either now or shortly these items will be worth their weight in gold.

To discover what articles and parts are valuable and should be scavenged from an abandoned vehicle post-collapse, visit the next slide. 

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One Comment;

  1. Domina Meaka said:

    If you’re going to take the battery you might as well take the alternator also. You’re going to need a way to recharge the batteries you find.

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