7 Astonishing Uses for White Vinegar Like Soaking Your Greens. Yeah, it’s Pretty Cool!

spray bottle

White vinegar is an abundant resource so you can make the most of it, yet most people fail to see it's full potential. Sure it's great for making potato chips and paper mache volcanoes, but you can also use it for almost any purpose around your home as a cleaner, pest controller and deodorizer.

Take a look at the list below to learn more.

  1. Toilet Bowl
    For a quick and easy hack, just dust some baking soda on the inside of the toilet bowl. Then spray a little vinegar on all toilet surfaces, and allow everything to sit. After 15 to 30 minutes, scrub the bowl, wipe any remaining vinegar away, and enjoy your fresh bathroom.
  2. Generic House Cleaning Spray
    Simply mix equal parts white distilled vinegar and lukewarm water. Add a dash of baking soda, and put it all in a handy spray bottle. Bust lingering odors and impossible stains with this safe and friendly go-to for your general cleaning needs.
  3. Deodorizer
    The general cleaning mix above can be enhanced for optimal deodorizing by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  4. Dish Cleaner
    If your dishwasher often leaves your plates and glasses looking dull and murky, white vinegar can give you the extra boost on super clean and shiny dishes. Instead of wasting money on chemical-based rinses, simply add a little vinegar to the rinse dispenser of your dishwashing machine.
  5. Laundry
    Skip your store-bought fabric softeners and add a cup or so of vinegar into the fabric softener dispenser of your machine. The result? Soft, fluffy, and sensitive skin-friendly linens and clothes.
    Lock in the color of your new, bright linens and clothes simply by soaking them in a mixture of one part water and one part vinegar. Do this as a pre-washing ritual to enjoy bright and bleedfree laundry.
  6. Pest Control
    If you have some especially stubborn weeds, keep a liberal treatment going, spraying at least once a day. This weed killing hack is nonselective, so if some white vinegar ends up on your magnolias or rose bushes, it will have the same terminal effect.
    Ants hate vinegar, so a simple undiluted spray around cracks, baseboards, door frames, and anywhere you spot them will dissuade them from the area.
  7. Green Groceries
    White vinegar can come to the rescue and get your greens looking live again. First, soak your greens in a bowl of cold water and splash a little vinegar in. Let everything sit for 10 minutes, then rinse and enjoy.
    You’ll want to make sure any dirt, chemicals, and other impurities are off your fruits and veggies. If you want something a little more than a water rinse, but that is an effective disinfectant, make a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water. You can even add a little lemon juice or baking soda for a high-powered cleanser.

One of the best tricks on this list is adding essential oils to white vinegar spray. After all, anyone who's used this technique for deodorizing their home knows that for awhile afterwards the place will smell like vinegar. By adding oils, you can just make the entire place smell like whatever you want whether it's lilac or vanilla.

Another really helpful trick is the weed killer. Buying weed control chemicals is very expensive and harmful to the environment, and simply using vinegar would be a great way to help your wallet and the nature around your home.

To find out more about this awesome and abundant resource, check out the website, Home and Gardening Ideas.



