6 Ways to Use Old Smart Phones for Survival Tasks Today

damaged cell phone

Smartphones come and go. As with most technologies, the second you leave the store with your brand new smartphone in tow, it becomes obsolete.

This leaves the question of what you will do with your old smartphone once you've replaced it.

Many people have a drawer or cabinet full of old phones from the past years, some simply chuck them, and others recycle their old smartphones or sell them the second they get a new one.

While recycling them is great, if you are a prepper it may be in your best interest to save your smartphones to add to your bug out supplies for when SHTF.

Take a look at the next page for some excellent suggestions on how you can use your old smartphones for when SHTF.

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  1. Anonymous said:

    BS. You don’t think they’ll EMP us one way or another?

  2. Robert Bruno said:

    This is dumbest article I have ever read. Author needs to get a job!

  3. Cory Fletcher said:

    Never take a phone with you in a survival situation. No matter what if the battery is dead they can power it and track you. Plain and simple

  4. Chris Kennewell said:

    Samsung phones are a fantastic survival tool, because sooner or later it’ll catch on fire all by itself!


