6 Vital Lessons to Remember From the Oroville Dam Disaster

oroville dam

Nobody ever wants to think about emergency evacuations and prepping for one, but if the recent Oroville disaster is any indication, making a few key preparation now could save a life.

In all fairness, it's nearly impossible to prep for emergency situations that occur last minute. The people of Oroville, California had just one hour to leave town. The 200,000 or so people forced to evacuate caused a clog in the roadways and created more panic in the people.

You can't accurately predict when a disaster will occur, nor can you completely plan ahead for emergency evacuations.

We have a list of 6 important things to remember now before an emergency occurs and what you can do now just in case. Go on over to the next page to learn more.

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  1. Jerry Hollingsworth said:

    So, is it not Standard Operating procedures to at least Inspect, and or Repair and Dam. During a periods of Drought, when the waterline is low????? Furthermore, did Governor “Moon Beam” somehow not get this memo, or understand this from his own personal common sense!?? …Oh wait, I may have just then answered my own question!

  2. Gerard Olszewski said:

    And these are the people who wanted to run our country, (run it into the ground maybe…)

  3. Wade Slattery said:

    Don’t spend the funds allocated for infrastructure on paying for a free existence to beaners because they’re not white so they deserve it.. well guess what California? We don’t give a$#%&!@*if ya all drowned now. Maybe when people start dying for their liberal ideology there won’t be anymore liberals to vote for suicide.

  4. Michael R Jones said:

    With the Oroville Dam,you only need one !! Spend your money to take care of and protect Americans. Run the illegal’s and refugees the hell out of the country.

  5. Charly Blackston said:

    Maybe the money allocated for California infrastructure should have been used to teach people to swim instead of using tax payer money to support Illegal criminals.

  6. Rebel Dave said:

    They made everyone evacuate bit nothing bad happened I stayed in town

  7. Pablo Rodriguez said:

    Many questions went thru my mind while cal was in drought like water pipelines etc etc .But what I always known is that we are on our own.they don’t give two shits learn survival

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