6 Trees to Never Plant While Trying to Make a Survival Garden Thrive

tree branch

A key aspect integral to all homesteading, off the grid living, and survivalist attempts is maintaining an efficient and well thought-out patch of land on which you can grow your crops that will get you through the winter and into the years beyond.

There are hundreds of articles and opinions out there which provide an endless onslaught of theories as to what you should be planting in your garden, but relatively few insights as to what you shouldn't be planting.

This is an important distinction because many of the attractive trees that your neighbors will be seeking to plant in their own yards are the exact opposite of what you, as a survivalist, will want around your own highly important food crops.

For some very necessary insight as to what trees you should avoid near your garden, check out the pertinent information a prepper should pay close attention to on the next page.

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