6 Terrifying Creatures in Arizona That Could Actually Kill a Person

Tarantula hawk

As preppers, we need to remember that packing enough supplies isn't always the only concern. We also need to make sure we know everything we can about any situation we may face while living off the land. Some of these creatures are much more than just pests. Some of them can be threatening to your life! Knowing what they are can keep you safe.

Some of these creatures are much more than just pests. Some of them can be threatening to your life! Knowing what they are can keep you safe.

Six Potentially Deadly  Creatures In Arizona Include:

1.Tarantula hawk

Tarantula hawk

Getting bitten by a fire ant is a pretty painful experience and is the lowest level of the Schmidt sting pain rating index. Tarantula hawks share the top of that list.  While the pain typically only lasts around three minutes, it will be the worst three minutes of your life up to that point; evidently, the pain is so severe during those moments that the only thing you can do is scream in pain.

2.  Brown recluse spider

brown recluse spider

The brown recluse is yet another venomous spider that delivers a nasty bite that will destroy tissue cells and, in extreme cases, can cause kidney failure and seizures. Fortunately, bites are rare and death almost never happens, but we advise you to seek medical attention after a bite.

3. Kissing bug


These insects are attracted to lights and the carbon dioxide we exhale. While not venomous, some people have been known to experience anaphylactic shock to bites.

Another reason to avoid these insects is because they can transmit Chagas disease when a parasite that lives in their digestive system enters the bloodstream through the bite. If ignored, this disease can cause heart failure.

4 Africanized honey bee


These are bee hybrids that tend to show more aggressive defense tactics than traditional honeybees. If provoked, the will attack in greater numbers and for longer distances, which increases your chances of getting stung enough times to consult medical treatment. It is notoriously difficult to tell the difference between the two varieties  so exercise caution when you encounter bees.

5. Western diamondback rattlesnake

western diamondback rattlesnake

The creature is also responsible for the second greatest number of snakebite fatalities in the United States. They are also quite aggressive when provoked and can cause permanent tissue loss when attempting to heal from a bite, so you will want to avoid them at all costs.

6 Banded desert centipede


The banded desert centipede tends to dine more frequently on insects, lizards, and small rodents but they do give a very painful sting followed by swelling when they defend themselves from a potential predator, i.e., you.

While death by centipede is limited in the United States, serious symptoms from their venom can include swollen lymph nodes, nausea, heart palpitations, and local tissue damage.

These creatures are all dangerous in different ways. Some of them can cause severe pain. Others cause serious illnesses and even death. It is important for all of us to remember that even if a creature is small, sometimes it can do the most damage. So, if you have to bug out when SHTF, be alert and stay away from these creatures!

To learn more about creatures that could kill you, visit Only In Your State.


  1. Dylan Sutherland said:

    That’s what makes it beautiful!

    To be fair, you have to actively provoke most of this list to get hurt.


