6 Survival Tips You’re NOT Following That’ll Make You Suffer the Consequences

man having a campfire at night

It's easy to take advantage of the world we live in and get caught up in preparing for the worst possible outcome, even though we have no idea when this may be. A part of this means stocking up on the latest survival gear, which aids us in planning for that potential future when all hell breaks loose.

But if you think about it, a lot of preppers will not truly be ready for those harsh realities when it means putting that accumulated food and survival gear to good use.

The truth is you may have a ton of survival supplies and skills already developed, but putting them to practice when the grid goes down is something entirely different.

After all, we're a society that surfs the web every day and with just a click of the mouse, we can hop on a site that'll tell us what's wrong with us and how we can solve it. And — as soon as we address the problem we forget all about it.

You're not alone if you're a prepper who has a pile of survival gear that you've not yet used. You figure you can figure it out later, right? You may also hate the taste of boring survival food but think you'll be ready to eat just about anything when SHTF.

Don't be a survivalist that not really ready when the grid goes down. It's time to learn the survival tips and skills that will help you cope with and actually survive those harsh realities when all hell breaks loose.

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