6 Reasons Why You Should Factor Epsom Salts Into Your Survival Gear

It will rank low on most lists of survival gear and might not even make the bug-out bag list, but Epsom Salts are so versatile that every survivalist should consider making them a mainstay at least for a longer-term survival kit.

Epsom Salts have multiple uses, including soothing sore muscles, drawing out splinters, as an element of fertilizing soil and as an aid in Flotation Therapy, plus much, mush more.

They are so effective from a medicinal perspective that the World Health Organization lists them on their List of Essential Medicines.

In a survival situation, Epsom Salts can be used in gardening, but also to sooth sore muscles and even as a laxative and as a way to flush toxins from your body.

On the next page, we cover multiple uses for Epsom salts and why you must have some stored away for a survival situation.


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