6 Fire Starting Tips Every Survivor Should Memorize

Now may be good time to make some notes. Some of the following may be simple and bring out the verbal: “Dah” in you. But there are others that will have you nodding your head at their cleverness!

Use a mirror, magnifying lens or reflective surface. A signaling mirror has the dual purpose of helping rescuers locate you and help you make a fire. If you don't have a mirror, you can improvise with a plastic bottle, a reading glass, or even a condom if you're a clever prepper.

Magnesium + Flint striker. A magnesium bar works in any climate. Pictured immediate left is a magnesium and flint striker, which is a tried and true method for starting fires even in damp conditions. In a sense, it's the easiest way to ensure you always have waterproof matches (and it's a natural choice)!

Ferrocerium Rod Striker Ferrocerium, also sometimes called a firesteel, is a man-made metallic material. Pictured in orange, many preppers confuse a ferrocerium rod with magnesium and flint.

Making Sparks from a Battery. There are many ways you can start a fire using sparks you can get from a battery: Steel wool + a 9-volt battery. Crazy cool, you can tap a 9-volt battery with steel wool and it ignites. Instant fire.

Rubbing sticks: Back to basics, perhaps the least popular of fire-starting methods is by rubbing sticks together. This bushcrafting essential should not be overlooked. Certainly it's the classic survivalist way to start a fire without matches.

Flashlamp reflector. Did you know a flash light could help you in a survival situation to start a fire? By placing tinder in the flashlight's center cone where you'll find the bulb. Cigarette makes excellent tinder for this method.

For more information and advice regarding the above and to also see other methods of fire starting without matches, please check out Happy Preppers. There you will learn more about tinder as well!

When we think back to our ancient ancestors, they did not have the convenience of a Bic© or a box of matches from a local restaurant. They had to be creative and now – so will you!


