6 Doomsday Tips Preppers Aren’t Following (But They Should Be)

man wearing gas mask

As a prepper, it's easy to get caught up in stockpiling all the while thriving in the world. It's also easy to get caught up in purchasing the latest and greatest survival gear for that potential future when an EMP strikes.

Planning for when the collapse takes place is essential, but as a survivalist will you really be ready to face whatever may come your way?

Even if a prepper may think he's fully prepared because he's spent years stockpiling food and has a ton of weapons, that still doesn't mean he's truly ready.

It's hard to be ready in a world where answers can quickly be found on the Internet or by booking an appointment with a therapist. And most preppers have yet to use half of the survival gear they have stockpiled or experience a true bug out scenario.

It's unlikely that preppers will be 100% ready unless they are regularly practicing on a regular basis. Even then, there's always more skills to learn.

On the next page check out some tips that you may have heard of, but are you applying them to your daily living? When SHTF you need to be prepared — and that includes having what it takes to make it through a collapse in one piece.

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