6 Dangerous SHTF Water Myths You Need to Stop Believing NOW

drinking water from the river

Water is, undeniably, the single most important thing to ensuring your survival in a bad situation. It's easy to fall into the trap of listening to your stomach and putting food higher up on the priority list, but if you don't have ready access to water, you won't be able to digest food for very long.

If you are feeling thirsty, you're already in the first stages of dehydration, so you'd better start thinking about what you can do to replenish your fluids pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of misinformation out there that makes it difficult to know what you're supposed to do when you need water. A lot of the “truths” many survivalists know about water are actually outdated concepts, so it's important to review what you know every so often. This goes for a lot of other areas of survival, too.

So what are the survival myths about water that could get you killed? Check out the next page to steer clear of them!

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  1. Ryan said:

    “urine is how you pass waste products out of your body.” Not technically true, unless you consider the Urea and other minerals in your urine as waste. Defecating is how your body passes waste out of your body, your poop is 100% waste. Your urine is 95% water about 2% Urea and the rest are minute amounts of minerals and chemicals. Drinking urine is mostly ok to do, IF DONE PROPERLY, even long term, the only problem is the minerals can build up and hurt you. Urine is completely sterile when it first leaves the body so if you’re going to drink it you need to drink it IMMEDIATELY, it cannot be stored for later, that will kill you. It would actually be better to begin drinking it as a supplement with your water in a survival situation rather than drinking it when all your water is gone as a last resort.

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