50 Homesteading Skills You Need to Know


Homesteading is increasingly on the minds of thousands of Americans. We are a society of free thinkers and do-it-yourselfers, and for many the idea of perpetually living in cities and increasingly relying on the infrastructure to provide for all of our needs doesn't sit right.

Homesteading allows you to have the freedom to provide for yourself and gives a satisfaction that not even the best day in the city can grant you.

With the cracks in our wicker basket infrastructure becoming more and more apparent with each new official being placed in office, more and more people are turning to a homesteading lifestyle so that they can provide for themselves should the bubble burst and everything collapses.

However, it is not as simple as buying a plot of land and erecting a small house; there is quite a bit of research that must be done beforehand if you plan to be successful.

For 50 of the most important skills, you should master for homesteading, continue on to the next page.

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