5 Survival Recipes That Came From the Pioneers Who Lived on the Oregon Trail

prairie wagon

While we might occasionally reduce the Oregon Trail to our own experience playing the computer game as children – like remembering how annoyed we got every time we broke an axle on our wagon, when we killed too many bison to carry, or when everyone in our party died of cholera – it’s important to remember the harsh reality of the actual journey.

400,000 people traveled 2,000 miles between 1840 and 1860 for the prospect of a new life. Those that made the trek out west typically woke up before dawn, stopped once for a quick lunch, and then rode on until evening. Most days, the settlers only averaged about 15 miles a day on foot with their wagons.

Although the terrain was challenging and the distance discouraging, the emigrants still managed to enjoy some of life’s simple pleasures. By that, I mean food.

Ever wonder what these pioneers ate? It wasn’t just bison meat. Take a look to see five recipes for meals that still exist today!

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