5 Survival Mistakes You Must Avoid


With the exception of those who take unnecessary risks, most people who get injured or die in a survival situation make mistakes that are avoidable and all too common.

The list below covers the most common of many.

5. No Shelter

The first mistake is not having a proper shelter with you, the second fold is not having the knowledge to build a shelter from nature’s tools which are all around you. Whether it is hypothermia or heat stroke, the bottom line is you either did not have shelter or you didn’t have the knowledge to build a suitable shelter to shield yourself from the elements.

4. Lack of Good Navigation Tools

People who venture into the Wilderness without a map, compass, and GPS are flirting with disaster. Anyone who has spent time in the woods knows that within seconds even the best woodsman can get turned around in thick trees and bushes and begin to walk the wrong way.

3. The Wrong Clothes

As a rule you should always dress one layer warmer than you need. You can always take stuff off and wrap it around your waist, stuff into your pockets or put it in your backpack if you get hot. But once you leave an article of clothing behind there is nothing worse than being cold knowing that you left your jacket in the closet. Remember, most cases of hypothermia happen in temperatures over 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Getting Drinkable Water

We all know that the human body doesn’t last long without water. The question you have to ask yourself is “Will this water make me sick?” Waterborne organisms such as cryptosporidium and giardia can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting that increases dehydration and reduces your ability to carry on. On the flip side dehydration will kill you in a matter of days. There are several methods for purifying water (Boiling it, Chemical tablets, & Water Filters) and there are several methods for catching rain water or dew. Learn these strategies and be prepared.

1. Fire

A good fire can keep you and your loved ones warm in some of the worst conditions. Protection: a strong fire can keep you safe from predators and a long burning stick has scared more than one animal away. Signal: a blazing fire can be seen for miles away at night and the smoke can be seen during the day. Purifier: a hot fire can be used to boil water and keep your drinking water safe.

In most survival situations, the mistakes that kill or maim a person are not extraordinary incidents; they are a lack of knowledge or preparation and they are made long before the situation arises.

By avoiding the mistakes above you increase your chances of making it out in one piece dramatically.

To learn more about common mistakes you must avoid to survive, please visit Survival Cache.

One Comment;

  1. Jeffrey Anderson said:

    Don’t get your$#%&!@*caught in a meat grinder. Tip number one.
    Number two stop spending your money on$#%&!@*you don’t need. That’s what they want. You scared.
    Devils work.
    Have faith and be free.


