5 Survival Kit Items Most People Overlook – Don’t be One of Them!


Someone once said that morale can be improved almost instantly by making sure the little things that bring us pleasure or convenience are covered.

Those same things, though, are important to any survival cache as they can be used for bartering – which in a long-term survival situation could be indispensable!


Picture this. You’ve been in your bunker for three weeks. Sponge baths are a rare treat. Then you remember your stash of Secret anti-perspirant. Ahhhh….. instant morale booster, especially if shared.

Feminine products

Periods don’t stop for something trivial like a nuclear war. A six month’s stash of tampons, especially o.b., won’t take up much room, and will greatly improve your quality of life. However, a much better option, by far, is a menstrual cup, such as the Diva Cup that I review here.

Bar soap

In a pinch it can be used for shampoo and even laundry. Buy a variety of soaps, including some that do not have a lot of extra dye or perfume added. You should also stock up on classic laundry soaps, such as Zote or Fels-Naptha. These are terrific as stain removers and as an ingredient for homemade laundry detergent.

A pack of never-before-opened underwear for each family member
This is something that most folks will overlook in their zeal to stock up on freeze-dried food and ammo, but sooner or later, the kids are going to outgrow theirs and mom and dad will appreciate having a nice, fresh set. Ditto for bras.

Tylenol PM

Seriously. Do you really want to be 100% conscious wrapped up in your silver emergency blanket, huddled in the back seat of your mini-van for hours?

It is a pretty simple list right?

But each item in a survival situation makes life a little more endurable and without it, life becomes a little less bearable.

This is obviously just a partial list, but for a more comprehensive list and other great ideas for preparing for a survival situation, please visit The Survival Mom.


