5 Stages of Evasion to be Prepared For. These Techniques Saved This Expert’s Life!

hiding from someone

You never know when the time will come for a bad guy to target and pursue you. You will need to get away, preferably quickly. However, a slapdash evasion can be dangerous and ineffective.

A productive evasion comes in stages and starts with first contact. That is when you know you are in trouble. You might be out in the wilderness and sense that you are being watched and tracked.

Sometimes it is obvious and other times it is your well-honed survivalist sensory skills that make you realize something is wrong. Where do you go and how do you protect yourself when it seems the odds are against you?

On the next page, an expert will give you the five (5) basics; what the Air Force Survival School imparts to all students who are considered “High Risk of Capture.”

You may have a lot of reasons to evade capture by your enemy but knowing these five stages can save your life.

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  1. James Pallasch said:

    I went through Navy SERE school during the Viet Nam era and I can say for sure that the information put out here will save your biscuits if you follow it. While nothing can replace common sense, situational awareness, survival knowledge and a well oiled plan are essential if you wish to survive.

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