5 SHTF Items to Never be Without on a Day to Day Basis

outdoor emergency kit

Even though you have spent hours and hours organizing your ideal bug out bag, the fact of the matter is this: it isn’t always practical to carry around a full backpack stuffed to the brim with various items.

Yes, I know you specifically purchased that light-weight-but-heavy-duty sleeping bag. I know that you agonized over which materials to include in your first aid kit that would serve your basic needs but wouldn’t waste precious space in your to-go kit!

But carrying everything around on a daily basis just isn’t always practical.

What you should be doing is introducing essential items into your everyday wear. That means you don’t leave the house without these things on you.

Because you never know what could happen; you might not have time to run home and grab that essential bag of yours.

Take a look on the next page to see which 5 items should be on you every day!

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  1. Ernest Levesque said:

    A knife is the top of the list. It will be the first item you will hunt for if you don’t have one and not just to use to stab hostiles. It is a tool with many uses and they really show it when you have no knife.

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