5 Self-Sufficiency Skills That Can Put a Person’s Mind at Ease When SHTF


Since it's likely that we will not be able to rely on things like electricity, grocery stores, doctors and hospitals when a disruptive event occurs, it is vital to know as many skills as possible. That way instead of panicking when things shut down, we can still survive and keep our families safe.

If we know how to be self sufficient and learn how to hunt, fish, how to bandage wounds and other first aid, this can help us stay as calm as possible when a disaster happens.

Many people don't have peace of mind when these situations occur and this leads to violence which can result in additional problems.

That is why learning as much as you can about how to be self sufficient just might be the most important skill you'll need when SHTF.

To find out five self-sufficiency skills that can help you stay calm during a collapse, please head on over to the next page. 

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  1. Rick Brasche said:

    the farther one can get away from either the S or the F, the better ones chances of avoiding splatter

  2. Wayne Bradley Pride said:

    The fact is, you are far better off learning bushcraft skills than tacticool bullshit in the event that TSHTF


