5 Reasons Why a Prepper Should Have a Pit Bull as a Companion


Like many, we were always advised when getting a dog to stay clear of the more openly vicious dogs like Dobermans, German Shepherds and most especially Pit Bulls. Indeed, we have heard a lot about that last one, how they often attack and will not let go of their prey. How many people have been killed by them!?

While we cannot escape the evidence of these infamous happenings we have to understand that the dogs are often a product of malicious training. Many of these animals were taught to be brutal sport.

Can a dog really be asked to turn that off when suddenly approached by a man or even a child they perceive as a threat? If the dog is a menace we tend to think the owner is the reason.

Yet a well-trained pit bull, a dog who has never been exposed to a brutal environment, is known as one of the bravest and sweetest dogs around!

Don’t believe us? Go to the next page and read up why a prepper should have a pit bull as a companion!

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