5 of the Most Popular Survival Foods We Should Consider Stockpiling


These foods should be essential in your SHTF pantry. Stock up on these 5 items and you'll be prepared for anything. If you want to know the 5 most popular foods that you need, read below!

1. Rice
For a large portion of the world, rice is a daily staple, supplying the majority of a person’s nutritional needs. It’s one of the cheapest foods you can buy, it’s easy to store, and it lasts for decades if you store it properly.

White rice can be purchased for around $15 per 50 lb. bag.

2. Salt
During the days of the Roman empire, salt was one of the most valuable things a person could own. While it may not have the same value this day and age, salt is still an irreplaceable food item to have in a disaster situation. It can be used to make almost any food more palatable, can be used to cure beef, and can also be used for a wide range of other purposes such as easing a sinus infection and cleaning a kitchen counter.

Common table salt has an indefinite shelf life and costs less than $2 a pound.

3. Coffee
Surviving in a post-apocalyptic world takes a lot of energy, which means you’ll want to know how to make coffee when the power is out. Fortunately, coffee has a great storage life and, although not incredibly cheap, is affordable enough to set back an ample enough supply for tough times.

For a 48 oz. can of coffee grounds, you can expect to pay around $12.

4. Beans
Another simple, filling crop, beans are a lot like rice in their affordability and shelf life. They’re easy to store, high in nutrients, have an indefinite shelf life, and are by far one of the most popular survival foods. As an added bonus, the same beans that can be eaten can also be planted to grow more beans if needed.
The price of beans depends on the variety, but pinto beans, for example, cost about $30 for a 50 lb. bag.

5. Pasta
If you think the post-apocalypse is going to be completely void of your favorite foods, rejoice in the fact that pasta is one of the most popular survival foods. Though what you will season it with is a different story, pasta is another affordable, easy to store, and long-lasting food that is right at home in a survival setting.

Seems pretty simple, right? You don't need to search high and low for these foods. One short trip to your local grocery or wholesale store can get you everything you need in one stop.

For more essential foods, check out Urban Survival Site.

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