5 of the Best Trades to Know in Order to Survive After a Collapse


Post-collapse, those of us who are bloggers, writers, or marketing professionals, for example, may struggle with surviving.

The same may be true who have an 8-5 job in the office, or their job relies on being on the Internet every day. If you think about it, today our society largely depends on the web not only for research but to create jobs and maintain them. If you're a social media specialist you know this to be true!

After SHTF it's likely preppers will be unable to get on the Internet, which means many people will not possess the skills needed to survive or make a living. The trades required to sustain a positive living environment post-collapse will help survivalists barter when life isn't easy.

What trades can help a prepper succeed post-collapse and going forward?

On the next page, learn about what trades and skills you should consider having, that way you'll be prepared when SHTF.

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  1. James Anderson said:

    just my opine, but, electronics repair in a collapse… maybe not. Electronics will be useless!, especially the cell phone

  2. Eric Wesley Mobley said:

    They forgot sociopathic sneak thief and BS con artist…umm, I mean quartermaster/night watch and traveling pastor. Either way, I’ll be fine.

  3. Karl Cantrel said:

    Most people can’t take a$#%&!@*without help , you expect them to Lear gunsmithing ?????

  4. Keith Doc Youngblood said:

    hell I am proficient at ALL of them and a master of a couple! if the shtf Jason Cordell you could do worse than coming to Oakwood

  5. Tom Dogger said:

    Machinst, and avid hunter and fisherman, i can also do plumbing and some construction. I can garden and can.

  6. Jeff Hill said:

    Common sense is all one will need. Millenials will be f**k*d

  7. Graham Wright said:

    I would have thought Farmer ( livestock & crops ) , blacksmith ( toolmaking , repair ) , builder ( wood ,stone & brick ) , chemist/herbologist for natural medicines . One type of person not mentioned is an organiser or someone who is the focal point for all the rest because without an overall plan of action everything will fall apart .

  8. Cody Backer said:

    Maybe it’s just me but medical skills are extremely important.

  9. Jenn Giles said:

    1. Gun repair and ammunition production 2. Carpentry
    3. Making household cleaners, soaps, essential oils and the likes 4. Electronics repair 5. Fruits, Vegetable, Seed production.

  10. James Pallasch said:

    I can imagine everyone who survives initially, will become a teacher of his trade or specialty sooner or later. People are going to come and go and bring or take knowledge as it were. Knowledge must be high on the list of must haves if you are to survive as a unit. Google up New Harmony, Indiana and become familiar with why it failed as a community. It was an experiment in communism in America which failed because the people simply became caught up in ‘no one is more important than me’. In a survival situation, all are important and that must be stressed in my opinion. Another communist experiment was the first few years after the landing of the Mayflower in Plymouth, Mass. They would not have survived without it but eventually had to abandon the idea when the pilgrims found out they could eat whether or not they worked as hard as they should or not at all. Sound familiar? All must contribute to their keep or simply asked or forced our of your camp. Your chances of survival is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE STRENGTH OF YOUR ELECTED LEADERS! I would put this fact first and foremost in any attempt of communal living.

  11. Mark Brady said:

    Y’all forgot metallurgy how are you going to make tools?

  12. Lisa Mccall said:

    I make salves, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste and herbal medicine. If you need me when SHTF. oh and I garden, cook, butcher, preserv foods too. I’m necessary.

  13. Dan Fashimpaur said:

    I always read these, and wonder why my skill in brewing beer isn’t on the list.
    I mean, I’m a woodworker, so I’ll be ok according to any list, but I tend to think I’ll do more business curing and smoking bacon, and brewing beer

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