5 of the Best Trades to be Educated About in Order to Survive Post-Collapse


If you take the time to think about it, after the collapse many people who are bloggers, writers, or customer service reps, for example, may have a hard time making end's meat.

The same goes for anyone else how used to have an 8-5 job where they had an office job that relied on the Internet. After all, today society largely depends on the Internet for many reasons — research, enjoyment, and especially for getting work done. Plus, the internet is also a powerhouse at creating new jobs!

When the collapse takes place and if the grid goes down, preppers will likely no longer have access to the Internet. This means people will need a new skill set to make it post-collapse. After the the grid goes down the trades, a survivalist will need will include bartering, being a doctor, or knowing how to hunt well, for example.

So what trades should you consider today so you can educate yourself about them ahead of time?

After the break, check out some major trades to learn about now so that you can make it and thrive in a post-collapse world. 

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  1. Michael Lemon said:

    I bet you some how split up these 5 best trades into 8 different pages.

  2. Brandon Paul Grimme said:

    1) Gunsmithing
    2) Metal working (welding, blacksmithing, etc.)
    3) Mechanics work (cars, motorcycles, etc.)
    4) Nursing
    5) Cooking/Food Production

    Those would be my top 5 anyway.

  3. JB Paul said:

    Wow can’t even get through the article without being hammered with spam. Trying to get me to download nude pictures and$#%&!@* Can you all post anything that’s not riddled with absolute$#%&!@*

  4. Robert Lauš said:

    This whole “next page” thing is bullshit! Place all information on one page… spam whores.

  5. JB Paul said:

    Yeah all I could get thru was gunsmith and carpenter and then it went straight to nude pics and forty different pop ups.

  6. Shonna Ritchey said:

    I kept getting the old time favorite your phone is heavily damaged download etc…agh. it seems every article I try to read I got to deal with this crap

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